Webb Genealogy - Person Sheet
Webb Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameMollie Whittington 5777
BirthJan 1880, NE, USA5777,6023
Deathbef 18856030,6055
MemoKnocked over a burning table lamp and was badly burned, leading to her death.
Census1880, St Stephen, Richardson County, NE, USA6023
MemoLine 29: Molli Wittington, age 4/12, born in Nebraska in January of 1880.
FatherWilliam John Whittington (1858-1936)
MotherAbigail Rachel Nutter (1860-1925)
Last Modified 7 Jan 2017Created 12 Mar 2023 using Reunion for Macintosh
All sources of data are documented on the “Person Sheet” for each individual. My early data often came from less-than-reliable sources (e.g., “Sarah’s genealogy pages”). If the only sources for a person is something like that or worse there is no listed source for data, please take the information as only a suggestion and not a fact.

(C) Richard Webb, 2023. All rights reserved.