Webb Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameTheophilus G Webb
Census1850, District 16, Sumner County, TN, USA164
MemoLine 22: Theophulus G Webb, age 45, born in Virginia.
Census1860, District 19, Sumner County, TN, USA165
MemoLine 9 (household 1277): Theofilus Webb, age 55 male farmer born in Virginia
Census1880, District 13, Sumner County, TN, USA166
MemoLine 45: Theophilus Webb, age 73, born in Virginia as were both parents.
Deathbef 1870, Sumner County, TN, USA167
Marriage10 Aug 1829, Sumner County, TN, USA133,168,107
Marr MemoBondsman: Mathew Perdue, Married by M. Hodges
Notes for Theophilus G Webb
Theophiylus [or Theophilus] G Webb is probably NOT the son of William Smith Webb and Nancy Clowers. The history of the Perdue family shows that Theophilus G Webb born about 1805 in Virginia had sisters named Nancy and Elizabeth but both sisters married into the Perdue family.
169 There is strong reason to believe that William Smith Webb’s Elizabeth married Owen Griffith and Nancy married Thomas Latimer. Matching with the work of Nonie Webb, I believe he is probably the son of Joseph (son of Samuel, son of William).
Scholastic Population of 1838 for Sumner County, Tennessee shows that Theophilus Webb was in District 17 and had two children in school at that time.