Webb Genealogy - Person Sheet
Webb Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameUnnamed Larson
Birth1 Jan 1911, San Diego County, CA, USA34
Death1 Jan 1911, San Diego County, CA, USA
MotherMatilda Josefina Hoaglund (1877-1942)
Notes for Unnamed Larson
Mable Larson Webb said, ‘Grandma Larson had another male baby after Uncle David while living in Chowchilla. Grandma told Aunt Alma that she knew just exactly when the doctor killed the baby. He said, "Now how many children do you have?" When told there were 7, he said, "That is a lot of children." The baby was declared still born.’

I have identified the unnamed male listed in San Diego as this one since everything fits except it was before the move to Chowchilla (moved in 1914 so 1911 would still be Escondido). The California birth record indicates that the unnamed child’s mother’s maiden name was Hoaglund.34
Last Modified 3 Aug 2013Created 12 Mar 2023 using Reunion for Macintosh
All sources of data are documented on the “Person Sheet” for each individual. My early data often came from less-than-reliable sources (e.g., “Sarah’s genealogy pages”). If the only sources for a person is something like that or worse there is no listed source for data, please take the information as only a suggestion and not a fact.

(C) Richard Webb, 2023. All rights reserved.