Webb Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameAda Ellison Cree
Birth12 Jan 1913, Waverly, Coffey County, KS, USA845,846,847
Death28 Jan 1998, CA, USA847
BurialLakewood Memorial Park, 900 Santa Fe Ave, Hughson, Stanislaus County, CA, USA847
Census1920, Petaluma, Sonoma County, CA, USA2261
MemoLine 25: Ada Cree, age 6, born in Kansas. Father born in Kansas, mother in Missouri.
Census1930, Modesto, Stanislaus County, CA, USA2262
MemoLine 45: Ada E Cree, age 17, born in Kansas. Father born in Kansas, mother in Missouri.
Census1940, Modesto, Stanislaus County, CA, USA846
MemoLine 37: Ada Drum, age 27, born in Kansas. Divorced and living with her mother.
Birth24 Sep 1906, CA, USA2263
Death17 Jan 1977, Stanislaus County, CA, USA2263
BurialAcacia Memorial Park, 801 Scenic Dr., Modesto, Stanislaus County, CA, USA2263
Marriage12 Jan 1931, First Baptist Church, Modesto, Stanislaus County, CA, USA846,2264
Birth11 Apr 1916, Christopherson Lane, Modesto, Stanislaus County, CA, USA823,841
Death30 Apr 2000, Modesto, Stanislaus County, CA, USA842,841
MemoDied at 9:30 pm. Broke his hip and believed to have a stroke a few days later that brought on his death.
Burial5 May 2000, Lakewood Memorial Park, 900 Santa Fe Ave, Hughson, Stanislaus County, CA, USA
MemoFuneral was in Catholic church in Turlock.
MarriageDec 1941, Reno, Washoe County, NV, USA820,844,845