Webb Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameJohn Webb
Birthabt 1795, NC, USA2329
Census1850, Marion County, TN, USA2329
Notes for John Webb
Richard, I've been in contact with perhaps one of your realitives -Nonie. she seems to think that my g-g-g-grandfather John Webb Sr. b abt. 1795 in N.C. Show up on the 1850 Marion County census with his daughter nancy , Pleasant, Tennesse & arry (orry). They had a son John Jr. & Susan Wells that moved to CarterCounty Mo. along with another Daughter Racheal Tenny Who married a Sims. We think John Sr. is the 4th son of Merry Webb.I've seen the copy of the will of Merry along with Elizabeth . Also where John md. a Nancy Clouse in Nov. 22,1816 in washionton Co. T. N. Witnessed by Nathan Peoples. ( Note 8 th child of Merry & Elizabeth Winny sophia Webb md. Peoples. E Mail
[email protected]2329