Webb Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameSamuel S Zaricor
Census1850, District 06, Gibson County, TN, USA2552,2834
MemoLine 17: Samuel Zaricore, age 4, born in Tennessee. Braces around his and John’s ages suggest that they are twins.
Census1860, Obion County, TN, USA
MemoAge of 15
Census1870, Kenton Station, Obion County, TN, USA2878
MemoLine 18: S S Zaricor, age 22, born in New York (really?). Living alone.
Census1880, Kenton Station, Obion County, TN, USA2877
MemoLine 7: Samuel Zaricor, age 33, born in Tennessee as were both parents.
Birthabt 1857, TN, USA2877