Webb Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameRichard Allen Burks
Birth4 Oct 1914, Independence, Montgomery County, KS, USA806,3388
BurialWoodlawn Cemetery, Las Vegas, Clark County, NV, USA3388
MemoSection P
Birth17 Jul 1918, San Jose, Santa Clara County, CA, USA806,8
Death23 Jan 2004, Cascade County, MT, USA8,3387
Burial17 Jul 2004, Monarch, Cascade County, MT, USA3387
Divorceabt 1951
Div MemoShe was listed as Mrs. Richard Burks in her grandfather’s obituary on January 31, 1951, but married Hans Knupfer on February 22, 1951
Notes for Richard Allen Burks
Social Security Records show Richard Burks born October 19, 1914 and died November 1982 with a last residence of San Jose, Santa Clara County, CA. His SSN was 515-01-7159--issued in Kansas. This is likely a match.
8 Especially given that the wedding date was on October 19.