Webb Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameJoseph Webb
Census1850, Robertson County, TN, USA2578
MemoLine 8: Joseph Webb, age 17, born in Tennessee. Farmer living with parents.
Census1860, Tyree Springs, Sumner County, TN, USA2666
MemoJoseph Webb, age 25 born in TN. Farmer
Census1870, District 12, Robertson County, TN, USA2580
MemoLine 3 (Family 73): Joseph Webb, age 37, born in TN. Farmer.
Marriage7 Jun 1858, Robertson County, TN, USA2668,3648
Notes for Joseph Webb
The wife has the wrong name (Medora rather than Nancy) but this otherwise fits with the following listing from a Webb cemetery not far from the Robertson County line in Tennessee:
J.S. b. 6 June 1832 d. 25 June 1891, wife, Nancy J. b. 23 Nov. 1841 d. 6
Apr. 1901 and Carrie. The latter is a 2 year old child, dau. of J.M. and
P.L. Webb.