Webb Genealogy - Person Sheet
Webb Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameJulius Pete Robinson III 4116
Birth25 Feb 1942, Van Nuys, Los Angeles County, CA, USA9
Death11 Apr 1961, Camarillo, Ventura County, CA, USA9
FatherJulius Pete Robinson II (1920-2007)
MotherLillie Marie Thornton (1922-1994)
Notes for Julius Pete Robinson III
As a small child he was very gifted and could memorize almost anything he heard
or read. At about age seven he was found to have a tumor on his brain and after
three operations the growth was halted for several years however each operation
removed more of his brain leaving him a child of seven all his life.4116
Last Modified 11 Jun 2007Created 12 Mar 2023 using Reunion for Macintosh
All sources of data are documented on the “Person Sheet” for each individual. My early data often came from less-than-reliable sources (e.g., “Sarah’s genealogy pages”). If the only sources for a person is something like that or worse there is no listed source for data, please take the information as only a suggestion and not a fact.

(C) Richard Webb, 2023. All rights reserved.