Webb Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameCaptain Turner Berry Joyner
FlagsDeceased, Military
Birth12 Jun 1833, TN, USA190
Death4 Feb 1876, Obion County, TN, USA190
Notes for Captain Turner Berry Joyner
Turner B. Joyner is a native of Sumner County, Tenn., born February 14, 1833, being one of four children born to John and Margaret (Dunnigan) Joyner [See sketch of George S. Joyner] In 1853 Turner B. married Elizabeth Ann Dunnigan, who died in February, 1876, having borne nine children, five of whom are still living. January 19, 1877, he married Mattie P. Sinkler, and of two children born to them one daughter is still living. At the breaking out of the war Mr. Joyner enlisted in the Missouri State Guards and was captain of the same about one year. In 1861 he removed to Missouri and farmed until 1865, when he returned to Obion County, Tenn., and in 1867 located on his present home farm of sixty acres. Mr. Joyner and family are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and he is a member of the F. & A. M., and is a Democrat in politics.