Webb Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameDenver Posey Webb
Birth23 Dec 1914, Rock Creek, Raleigh County, WV, USA4757,8,4759
Death20 Jun 1988, Lynchburg, Lynchburg City County, VA, USA8,4759
MemoLast residence in Lynchburg City, VA
BurialSpring Hill Cemetery, Lynchburg, Lynchburg City County, VA, USA4759
Census1920, Dry Creek, Raleigh County, WV, USA4762
MemoLine 51: Denver P. Webb, age 5. Born in West Virginia where his father was born. His mother was born in Virginia. Living with his grandfather John H. Webb
Census1930, Marsh Fork, Raleigh County, WV, USA4763
MemoLine 81: Denver P Webb, age 15, born in West Virginia. Father born in West Virginia, mother in Virginia. Living with his grandparents.
FlagsDeceased, Military
Birth1 Jul 1925, Drews Creek, Raleigh County, WV, USA4757,8,4758
Death23 Mar 2003, Rochester, Monroe County, NY, USA8,4758
MemoLast residence in Rochester, Monroe County, NY
BurialSpring Hill Cemetery, Lynchburg, Lynchburg City County, VA, USA4758
Marriage11 Jul 1941, Raleigh County, WV, USA4760,4761
Notes for Denver Posey Webb
Born out of wedlock.
4764 Because he is a y-DNA match to me and his mother’s father can be traced to my heritage, it is safe to assume that is father was a relative of his mother. A West Virginia tradition according to legend.
Joel Hager lists him with a birth date and marriage date, but no spouse, parents, or children. Very odd, but the birth date matches and the wedding date works with the birth date of his daughter so I’m going with it.
4760He was a verteran of World War II, serving with the 106th “Golden Line” Infantry Division as well as serving in the Air Force.