Webb Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameNora Susan Callis
BirthMay 1890, TN, USA1682
Census1900, District 15, Sumner County, TN, USA1682
MemoLine 21: Nora S Callis, age 9. Born May 1891 in Tennessee.
Census1900, District 15, Sumner County, TN, USA4004
MemoLine 28: Susan M Callis, age 10. Born Mar 1890 in Tennessee
Notes for Nora Susan Callis
The info is taken as a compilation of the data from the two listings for her family in the 1900 census. The name is put together from Nora S. and Susan M. who are listed as born a year apart. However, both listings agree that there were only eight children and that Beatrice was born less than 8 months after the 1891 date.