Webb Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameJohn Benton Choat
Birth5 Mar 1895, TN, USA1701,8
MemoLast residence in Indiana, USA
Census1900, District 02, Robertson County, TN, USA1701
MemoLine 70: John B Choat, son. Age 5 born March 1895 in Tennessee
Marriage31 Jan 1920, Marion County, OH, USA5308
Marr MemoI think the Ohio may be a typo! This is the Indiana marriage register.
Notes for John Benton Choat
Identified as John B Choat born March 1895 in 1900 census.
1701 Identified as living in Indianapolis, IN in death record for sister Mary.
1703 Based on the month and year of birth from the census and locale from the death record, I have matched this to John Coat SSN 310-05-4256 born March 5, 1895 and died in July, 1963 with a last residence in Indiana.