Webb Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameElizabeth Suttle
Census1900, District 15, Sumner County, TN, USA6712
MemoLine 40: Bettie L Briley, age 33, born in July 1866 in Tennessee. Both parents born in Tennessee. Married for 13 years with 6 children, all still living.
Census1910, District 15, Sumner County, TN, USA4053
MemoLine 100: Mary Briley, age 40, born in Tennessee as were both parents. Married once for 22 years with 6 children, all still living.
Death30 Dec 1928, Sumner County, TN, USA6710,6711
MemoDied from pulmonary consumption
Burial1 Jan 1929, Briley Cemetery #2, Portland, Sumner County, TN, USA6710
Marriage25 Feb 1887, Sumner County, TN, USA6714