Webb Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameSarah Crater
MemoCalculated based on age at death and date of death written on tombstone.
BurialHouser Cemetery, Richland County, IL, USA7567
Census1850, Haw Creek, Bartholomew County, IN, USA6524
MemoLine 14: Sarah Hauser, age 56, born in North Carolina.
Census1860, Olney, Richland County, IL, USA7569
MemoLine 27: Sarah Houser, age 66, born in North Carolina. Living with M. Hinman.
Census1870, Denver, Richland County, IL, USA6443
MemoLine 2: Sarah Howzer, age 75, born in North Carolina.
Birth30 Jan 1795, Stokes County, NC, USA7566
Death18 Dec 1853, Richland County, IL, USA7566
BurialHouser Cemetery, Richland County, IL, USA7566
Marriage7 Aug 1817, Friedberg, Forsyth County, NC, USA7568