Webb Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameMary Houser
Census1885, Waverly, Lancaster County, NE, USA6450
MemoLine 49: Mary Houser, age 8, born in Nebraska. Father born in North Carolina, mother in Kentucky. I suspect that she was 8/12 old rather than 8.
Notes for Mary Houser
I suspect that in the 1885 Nebraska Census
6450 her age is recorded incorrectly and should be 8/12 rather than 8. Reasons are:
1) All other children are listed in chronological order but she is at the end below her 7 and 6 year old siblings.
2) The four siblings aged 12-6 are marked as attending school, she is not.
3) She did not appear on the 1880 US census of the family and thus is assumedly younger than five years old.