Webb Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameAlfred Fred Webb
Birth28 Aug 1868, Boston, Suffolk County, MA, USA4500,4496
MemoDied of Erysipelas
BurialSacramento City Cemetery, Sacramento, Sacramento County, CA, USA4503
Census1900, Sacramento, Sacramento County, CA, USA4496
MemoLine 8: A F Webb, age 31, born in August 1868 in Massachusetts. Both parents born in England. Married for 5 years. Employed as a mail carrier.
Census1910, Sacramento, Sacramento County, CA, USA4497
MemoLine 27: Alfred F Webb, age 42, born in Massachusetts. Father born in England, mother in Maine. Married one time for 15 years. Employed as a clerk at the post office.
Death26 Jan 1971, Sacramento County, CA, USA4495
BurialSacramento City Cemetery, Sacramento, Sacramento County, CA, USA4495
Marriage6 Nov 1895, Sacramento County, CA, USA4500