Webb Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameJohn Webb Jr.
Birth1664, New Kent County, VA, USA143,110
MemoBook 1682 of St. Peters Parish
Death6 Jul 1726, Henrico County, VA, USA577
Baptism23 Sep 1666, New Kent County, VA, USA110
Land Purchase1704, Cross Swamp, Nansemond County, VA, USA578
MemoPurchased of Epaphraditus Benton
Wrote Will6 Jun 1726, Henrico County, VA, USA143,579,112
MemoRecorded June 6, 1726. Witnessed by Theodorick and Elizabeth Carter. Listed in Colonial Wills of Henrico Co., Part 1 by Weisiger.
Jane (Died as Child) (1697-1700)
Notes for John Webb Jr.
John Jr. and Sara owned land in New Kent/Henrico at border of both counties in 1687.
577 Owned land on both sides of Chickamony Swamp in Henrico in 1706.
577 One source states that he was transported from England to Henrico County, VA in 1678.
583One source lists his wife as Lucy Brown.
584Possibly the John Webb born Sept. 22, 1666 as recorded in Charles Parish Records, York County, Virginia, 1648-1789.
585I believe that this is the ancestor that is common to both Kelly D. Webb and me (his genealogy traces to this John Webb).