Webb Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameQueenie Emily Alice Thornton
Death8 Mar 2014
Census1930, Modesto, Stanislaus County, CA, USA789
MemoLine 20: Queenie E Thornton, step-daughter. Age 10 born in England. Lists father from England and mother from Missouri but those must be reversed.
Census1940, Douglas, Cochise County, AZ, USA1058
MemoLine 4: Queenie E McKey, age 20, born in England. Lived in Modesto in 1935.
ImmigrationAug 1919, Detroit, Wayne County, MI, USA789,1056
MemoQueenie E A Thornton, 10 weeks old, born in East Moreland, England.
Residence1961, Chico, Butte County, CA, USA804
Residence2001, Crescent City, Del Norte County, CA, USA
FlagsDeceased, Immigrant
Birth4 Jul 1915, CA, USA9
Death20 Jan 1993, Butte County, CA, USA9
MarriageNov 1936, Reno, Washoe County, NV, USA1060
Marr MemoWas a student at Lodi Academy at the time. She crawled out a window of the dormitory and Frank McKey drove her to Reno where they got married.
Divorceabt 1951
Birth20 Sep 1920, Ketchikan, Ketchikan Gateway Borough, AK, USA1062,1063
Death31 Jul 2012, Red Bluff Healthcare Center, Red Bluff, Tehama County, CA, USA1062,1063
BurialSunset Hill Cemetery, Corning, Tehama County, CA, USA
Birth29 Oct 1920, Butte County, CA, USA8,34
Death8 Nov 1999, Crescent City, Del Norte County, CA, USA8