Webb Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameLydia Caroline Snodgrass
Census1880, District 11, Hawkins County, TN, USA1205
MemoLine 34: Lydia Webb, age 36, born in Tennessee.
Census1900, District 09, Jefferson County, TN, USA1204
MemoLydia A Webb, married 21 years to Gabriel. Age 56, born April of 1844 in Tennessee.
Census1910, District 04, Jefferson County, TN, USA1203
MemoLine 35: Lydia A Webb, married 30 years to Gabriel. Age 65. Born in Tennessee as were here parents.
Birth1 Jan 1822, Choptack, Hawkins County, TN, USA1201
Death4 May 1913, Hawkins County, TN, USA630,1202
BurialLebanon Cemetery, Jefferson City, Jefferson County, TN, USA
Marriage29 Aug 1878, Hawkins County, TN, USA630,627
Notes for Lydia Caroline Snodgrass
Said to have had six children.