Webb Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameGreenville H Deweese
Census1850, White County, TN, USA1658
MemoLine 42: Greenville H Dewese, age 13, born in Tennessee.
FlagsDeceased, Military
Notes for Greenville H Deweese
Was a private in Company A of the 13th Regiment Cavalry in the Civil War. Enlisted on September 22, 1863 and mustered February 25, 1864.
1677 Also listed (under the names of Green DeWeese, Greenville DeWese, and Greenvile DeWesee) as a member of Unit K of the TN 17th Infantry Regiment .
1678 He is also listed as Granville DeWeese in Unit H of the TN Union 1st Mounted Infantry. Pension for Greenville H Deweese who served in Unit H of the 1st Tennessee Mounted Infantry was commenced on November 23, 1889, paid to his mother, Marandy Rodgers.