Webb Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameJohn Deweese
MemoThe date from Jean McClendon Gibson doesn’t match age from census of 1850.
Death6 Apr 1862, Pittsburg Landing, Hardin County, TN, USA1666,1667,1668
MemoDied in the Battle of Shiloh and is buried there.
BurialShiloh National Cemetery, Pittsburg Landing, Hardin County, TN, USA1667,1668
Census1850, District 10, White County, TN, USA3656,1658
MemoLine 38: John Deweese, age 39, born in Tennessee. Farmer
Residence1854, Putnam County, TN, USA1297
MemoFrom Tax Lists
FlagsDeceased, Military
Marr MemoThis wedding date would make Miranda Blackburn only 13 at the time.
Widowed6 Apr 1862
Notes for John Deweese
Lucinda and James couldn’t have been born as close as shown here.
I don’t know how this fits in, but there is a DeWeese living next to Benjamin F Webb in 1900 whose first name is illegible on the census. He was born March 1844 in Tennessee. His wife Anna was born March 1839 in North Carolina and his son Kinery L DeWeese was born in December, 1876.