Webb Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameSamuel R Deweese
BurialWhite Cemetery, Springfield, Robertson County, TN, USA1684
Census1860, Putnam County, TN, USA
MemoAge 9
Census1880, District 01, Putnam County, TN, USA1661
MemoLine 45 (Family 132): S. R. Dewees, head of house. Age 27 born in Tennessee. Married. Farmer. Both parents born in NC
Census1900, District 09, Robertson County, TN, USA1657
MemoLine 38 (Family 107): Samuel R Dewees, head of house. Age 49 born January, 1851 in Tennessee. Married 19 years. Farmer renting his farm. Living with wife Sarah and mother Miranda.
Census1910, District 09, Robertson County, TN, USA1685
MemoLine 60: Samuel R Dewees, Age 59. Second marriage. Married for 29 years.
MemoSon Jesse is listed with his mother born in Tennessee.
MemoNot with family in 1880 census and Samuel is listed as widowed.
BirthNov 1853, KY, USA1657
Marriage12 Feb 1881, Putnam County, TN, USA1688