Webb Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameChristopher Webb
Birth25 Mar 1663, Braintree, Norfolk County, MA, USA673,656,658,2558
MemoOne source lists Billerica, Middlesex, MA
MemoDied of Small Pox. No mention of "at sea" in Braintree Record.
Birth11 Feb 1667, Braintree, Norfolk County, MA, USA673,658,2559
MemoCould be 1668 or 1669
Death25 Oct 1723, Braintree, Norfolk County, MA, USA673,658,2560
MemoOne source lists April 10, 1725
Burial MemoSays buried in Randolph
Marriage24 Mar 1686, Braintree, Norfolk County, MA, USA673,656
Notes for Christopher Webb
Braintree records consistently show Christopher Web rather than Christopher Webb. This could be a mistaken match as the Braintree records also show him having a child in August, 1690 which would mean he could not have passed away in March of 1689 therefore it must have been March of 1690 (although it is not recorded in the Braintree records).