Webb Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameArthur Alfred Holmstrom
Death15 Jan 1958, Santa Barbara County, CA, USA787,9,2413
BurialSanta Barbara Cemetery, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara County, CA, USA2413
MemoPlot: Room 3-Group E-Row 03-Niche 14
Census1940, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara County, CA, USA2410
MemoLine 55: Arthur Holmstrom, age 62, born in Finland.
Immigration7 Jun 1912, Ellis Island, New York County, NY, USA3628
MemoLine 20: Artur A Homlstrom, age 33, born in Finland. Married.
FlagsDeceased, Immigrant
Birth23 Feb 1876, Krummerup, Øster Flakkebjerg, Sorø County, Sjælland, Denmark, Scandinavia9,813,2409
Death22 Jun 1954, Santa Barbara County, CA, USA787,9,2409
BurialSanta Barbara Cemetery, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara County, CA, USA2409
MemoPlot: Room 3-Group E-Row 03-Niche 15
Marr MemoOn his draft card in 1918, Arthur lists his closest living relative as Olga Wilhelmina Holmstrom in Finland. On his immigration form he listed his closest living relative in his home country as his wife Olga Holmstrom. Thus I assume that he was still married to his first wife in 1918.