Webb Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameWilliam Deweese
Census1820, White County, TN, USA3658
MemoAge 26 - 45 with THREE males under 10 and TWO females under 10. Also one female 16-26.
Census1830, White County, TN, USA3668
MemoLine 20: William Deweese. Age 40 - 50 with 2 males 5-10, 1 male 10-15, and 1 male 15-20 along with two females 0-5, 1 female 5-10, 1 female 10-15, 1 female 15-20, and one female (assumedly wife) 30-40.
Notes for William Deweese
Many of his descendents (down to 4 generations) are given by Lori DeWeese.
3670 The 1820 census doesn’t quite make sense with the descendants shown. In 1820 the household should have had one male under 10 and three females under 10 rather than three males under ten and one female under 10.
3658The 1830 census agrees with the 1820 census (giving room for the eldest boy and girl to have moved out of the house) with one male 40 - 50 (Wiliam) with 2 males 5-10, 1 male 10-15, and 1 male 15-20 along with two females 0-5, 1 female 5-10, 1 female 10-15, 1 female 15-20, and one female (assumedly wife) 30-40.