Webb Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameWilliam S Simpson
Birth14 Sep 1850, Barren County, KY, USA538
Marriage13 Jul 1876, Barren County, KY, USA538
Notes for William S Simpson
William S and Louise Ann Simpson lived on a farm on Dripping Springs road, lo cated a few miles outside of what is now called Park City, Ky (Formerly Glasg ow Junction). They had a two room log house with a fireplace in the kitchen which took up a whole wall. Augusta remembers this, per her daughter Mary Gr eathouse. She remembers Grandpa Sipson as a quiet man, that the used to like to hold his grandchild on this lap and talk to them. He has a moustache, lo oked quite handsome. Louisanna was quite a bit shorter than William S. Wili am S. Simpson was deeded 30 acres of land in Barren Co, ky on Gages Sinking C reek in 1883, land formerly owned by robert F. Hume (Barren Co, Land Deed Boo k 7, page 279) and in 1905 he bought 65 acres on Sinking Creek from the heirs of W.J. Bradford (Land Deed Book 50, page 89. This is believed to be the la nd on Dripping Springs road where the family lived until Williams S and his w ife Louise Ann died and some of which still remains in the family.