NameJohn Henry Webb
Burial11 Aug 1935, Cooper Cemetery, Dry Creek, Raleigh County, WV, USA4774,4772
Census1900, Marsh Fork, Raleigh County, WV, USA4767
MemoLine 40: Henry Webb, age 48, born in March, 1852 in West Virginia as were both parents.
Census1910, Marsh Fork, Raleigh County, WV, USA4768
MemoLine 97: John H Webb, age 53. Married 16 years (2nd marriage). Born in Virginia along with both parents.
Census1920, Dry Creek, Raleigh County, WV, USA4762
MemoLine 48: John H Webb, age 63. Born in Virginia along with both parents.
Census1930, Marsh Fork, Raleigh County, WV, USA4763
MemoLine 79: John H Webb, age 74, born in Virginia as were both parents. First married at age 22.
Married once before marrying Josie. Five children but only two living in 1910.
4764The 1900 census of Marsh Fork, Raleigh County, WV has an entry that I believe is this family, but the birth years and places don’t match up correctly. Here is the listing:
Henry Webb, born March 1852 in West Virginia--age 48.
Josie Webb, born May 1874 in West Virginia--age 26.
Mary Webb, born February 1895 in West Virginia--age 5.
Louisa F Webb, born December 1898 in West Virginia--age 1.
The page is full of Webbs (Joseph Webb [March 1863], Daniel Webb [March 1850?], and Lewis Webb [January 1875]) and all of them are listed as being second-generation West Virginians.
4785There was a Webb son born May 9, 1911 in Jap, Raleigh County, WV to Henry and Josie Webb. Would be a late child but could be a 6th child of this family.