Webb Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameThorvald Sofus Petersen
Birth10 Oct 1901, Denmark, Scandinavia5348,9
Death25 Feb 1983, Marin County, CA, USA9,5349
Burial2 Mar 1983, Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery, Colma, San Mateo County, CA, USA5349
Census1940, San Francisco, San Francisco County, CA, USA5350
MemoLine 63: Thorvald Sofus Peterson, age 40, born in Denmark. Single. Working as a stevodore.
Immigration12 Mar 1926, New York, New York County, NY, USA
MemoLine 10: Thorvald Sofus Petersen, age 24, born in Denmark. Last permanent residence in Gjørting where he was born, Denmark where his father Hans Petersen lives. Heading to San Francisco, California to stay with his cousin Martin Christensen, 9 Henry St, San Francisco, CAl. .