Webb Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameRobert Chilton Harden
MemoLegally his birth date is recorded as June 8, 1929, but family know it to be June 8, 1930 which is backed up by the fact that he is not present on the 1930 census record.
Burial17 Aug 2002, Memorial Gardens Cemetery, Springfield, Robertson County, TN, USA5382
Census1940, Springfield, Robertson County, TN, USA5355
MemoLine 9: Bobby Harden, age 10, born in Tennessee.
FlagsDeceased, Military
BurialSpringfield Memorial Gardens, Springfield, Robertson County, TN, USA5384
Marriage31 Dec 1949, Franklin, Simpson County, KY, USA5378,5385,5386
Marr MemoMarriage certificate says both bride and groom are 21 years of age born in Springfield, TN, and never married.