Webb Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameMartha C Lancaster
BurialBonnerdale Seventh-day Adventist Cemetery, Bonnerdale, Hot Spring County, AR, USA5707
Census1900, Henderson Township, Hot Spring County, AR, USA5706
MemoLine 74: Marth C Ewing, age 28, born in May, 1872 in Arkansas. Married for 9 years with 5 children, 4 still living. Both parents born in Mississippi.
Census1910, Henderson Township, Hot Spring County, AR, USA5696
MemoLine 12: Martha C Ewing, age 37, born in Arkansas. Married to first husband for 18 years. Both parents born in the US.
Census1920, Henderson Township, Hot Spring County, AR, USA5698
MemoLine 11: Martha C Ewing, age 48, born in Arkansas. She is shown as married and as head. Should be widowed.
Census1930, Henderson Township, Hot Spring County, AR, USA5699
MemoLine 26: M C Ewing, age 55, born in Arkansas. Widowed.
BurialBonnerdale Seventh-day Adventist Cemetery, Bonnerdale, Hot Spring County, AR, USA5708
Marriage23 Jul 1891, Garland County, AR, USA5705