Webb Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameConrad Debus
Birth8 Aug 1900, Russia5934
Census1920, Lincoln, Lancaster County, NE, USA5934
MemoLine 80: Conrad Debus, age 19, born in Russia. Immigrated in 1901.
Census1930, Yankee Hill, Lincoln, Lancaster County, NE, USA7130
MemoLine 58: Conrad Debus, age 29, divorced. Inmate in the penitentiary, born in Russia as were both parents. Immigrated in 1901.
Immigration1 Jun 19015934
MemoOn the ship Astoria.
Residence1950, CA, USA
Birth8 Aug 1901, Russia5934
Death26 Feb 1986, Omaha, Douglas County, NE, USA
Divorce27 Mar 1922, Lincoln, Lancaster County, NE, USA7125
Notes for Conrad Debus
Was convicted of stealing a car on May 9, 1922.
7131,7132 His sentence was one to ten years in jail, but he escaped from jail in Lincoln in October 1923 although he was promptly recaptured in Grand Island. He was brought back to Lincoln on a parole violation in February, 1928.