Webb Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameEmma Griffing
Census1880, Grape Grove, Ray County, MO, USA6128
MemoLine 20: Emma Griffing, age 7/12, born in October in Missouri.
Census1900, Grape Grove, Ray County, MO, USA7971
MemoLine 21: Emma Griffing, age 20, born in November 1879 in Missouri.
Notes for Emma Griffing
There is a Leona G Griffing identified as granddaughter of W.N. and Mathe G. Griffing who was born September 17, 1897 and died November 20, 1905 buried in Little Union Cemetery in Stet, Ray County, MO.
7995 The household of W N Griffing in the 1900 census includes his daughter Emma and granddaughter Gracie Griffing born in September 1898.
7971 It seems likely that these are the same daughter.