Webb Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameWillis George Hahn
Birth27 Jan 1913, Challis, Custer County, ID, USA8075
Death27 Jun 1987, Omak, Okanogan County, WA, USA8075
BurialOmak Memorial Cemetery, Omak, Okanogan County, WA, USA8075
Census1920, Challam, Challam County, WA, USA8041
MemoLine 47: Willis Hahn, age 7, born in Idaho. Father born in Washington, mother born in Ohio.
Census1930, Okanogan, Okanogan County, WA, USA8047
MemoLine 42: Willis Hahn, age 17, born in Idaho. Father born in Washington, mother’s birth place unknown.
Census1930, Omak, Okanogan County, WA, USA7981
MemoLine 26: Willis Hahn, age 18, born in Idaho. Mother born in Ohio. Living with his grandmother Mary Keyser.
Birth23 Mar 1912, Omak, Okanogan County, WA, USA8076
BurialOmak Memorial Cemetery, Omak, Okanogan County, WA, USA8076
Notes for Willis George Hahn
Appears twice in the 1930 census, once living with his father and step-mother in Okanogan
8047 and the other living with his grandmother and her second husband in neighboring Omak.
7981 The two census records were recorded on the same day (April 3, 1930) but list him as 17 in one and 18 in the other.