Webb Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameIra Almond Lowell
Birth28 Feb 1884, Sacramento, Sacramento County, CA, USA4461,9,9709
Death20 Jul 1954, Sacramento County, CA, USA9,9709
BurialSacramento City Cemetery, Sacramento, Sacramento County, CA, USA9709
Census1900, Sacramento, Sacramento County, CA, USA4461
MemoLine 5: Ira Lowell, age 16, born in February 1884 in California. His father was born in Maryland and mother in California. He is living with his grandfather.
Census1920, American Township, Sacramento County, CA, USA4505
MemoLine 79: Ira A Lowell, age 35, born in California as were both parents.
Birthabt 1886, CA, USA4505
Marriage31 Jan 1905, Alameda County, CA, USA