Webb Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameEvelyn Alverna Sturm
Birth24 May 1912, Sacramento, Sacramento County, CA, USA18,780,781,782
Death9 Feb 2018, Modesto, Stanislaus County, CA, USA781
MemoDied at home under hospice care.
Burial23 Feb 2018, Lakewood Memorial Park, 900 Santa Fe Ave, Hughson, Stanislaus County, CA, USA781
Census1920, Brooklyn Township, Oakland, Alameda County, CA, USA788
MemoLine 76: Evelyn A Sturm, age 7. Listed as boarder in the home of Laura Mitchel and her husband Milton.
Census1930, Modesto, Stanislaus County, CA, USA789
MemoLine 18: Evelyn A Sturm, daughter. Age 17 born in California
Census1940, Sonoma Avenue, Modesto, Stanislaus County, CA, USA778
MemoLine 76: Evelyn A Christiansen, age 28, born in California.
Birth18 Oct 1912, In a shack on Bradbury, Turlock, Stanislaus County, CA, USA773,18,774,8,775
MemoDelivered by Dr. Julien. Dr’s fee paid with meat.
Death19 Oct 1992, Modesto, Stanislaus County, CA, USA773,8,774
MemoDied at home due to malnutrition as a result of throat cancer.
Burial23 Oct 1992, Lakewood Memorial Park, 900 Santa Fe Ave, Hughson, Stanislaus County, CA, USA773,774
Marriage14 Dec 1936, Reno, Washoe County, NV, USA784,785,786
Marr MemoEvelyn wanted a church wedding, but Carl was very protective of his privacy and did not wish to have a public wedding so he and Evelyn eloped. On the day they were to get married, Carl instructed Evelyn to go to one station past where he was going to get on the train. That way when Carl’s sister dropped him off at the train station she wouldn’t see that he was with his girlfriend. They took the train to Reno where they got married, and then continued on the train to Chicago. In Chicago they purchased a car and drove it to visit May Foster and Eilene Daugherty in Missouri.
Widowed19 Oct 1992
Notes for Evelyn Alverna Sturm
As a child Evelyn and her brother were treated quite harshly by their mother. Arlene related that when Evelyn and Norman were very young (before their parents’ officially divorced but after Albert left the state for work), their mother used to make them stay under the house while she entertained male guests.
After the divorce, Albert gained custody of the two children but passed them to his mother Frieda to raise. As a child Evelyn lived a number of places. For the first four years after the divorce Evelyn was bouncing from one relative to another and eventually to an orphanage and foster homes for the final four years of this period. After eight years, Albert Sturm remarried and reunited the family with him.
784As a youth, Evelyn and her friends loved to dress up as different types of people (e.g., hobos, farmers, etc.) and take pictures. She has a photo album full of pictures of her and her friends dressed up as their various alter-egos.