Webb Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameSylvia Marilyn Ford
Birth10 Jul 1927, Cajabamba, Chimborazo Province, Ecuador, South America930,994,995
Death28 Sep 2018, ID, USA994,995
BurialLogan Pleasant View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, OR, USA994
EducationGraduate of Union College
ReligionSeventh-day Adventist
Graduation1951, Union College, Lincoln, Lancaster County, NE, USA1030,992
MemoBachelor of Science in Nursing
Birth18 Mar 1927, Colon Hospital, Ancon, Panama, Central America934,901,990,933,991
MemoBorn in US territory
Death21 Sep 1992, Boring, Clackamas County, OR, USA934,930,990,991
BurialLogan Pleasant View Cemetery, Oregon City, Clackamas County, OR, USA989,991
MemoRow R, North Side, Plot 13
OccupationPhysical Therapist
Notes for Sylvia Marilyn Ford
Sylvia was the daughter of Pastor Orley Ford of "These Fords Still Run". She was born in Central America and was educated there through high school. It was there she met Marvin Larson who eventually became her husband.