NameEmma Sofia Gustafsson Anderson Hoaglund
Birth10 Oct 1870, Hylletofta Parish, Sävsjö, Jönköping County, Småland Province, Sweden, Scandinavia2082,3471,3472
Death26 Feb 1938, Muskegon, Muskegon County, MI, USA2082,3473,3471
BurialLakeside Cemetery, Muskegon, Muskegon County, MI, USA3473
MemoPlot 58
Census1874, Strustorp, Bringetofta Parish, Jönköping County, Småland Province, Sweden, Scandinavia3143
MemoLine 11: Emma Sofia, born 10/10/1870 in Htfta.
Census1878, Strustorp, Bringetofta Parish, Jönköping County, Småland Province, Sweden, Scandinavia1031
MemoLine 3: Emma Sofia, born October 10, 1870 in same place as her mother.
Census1881, Bjällebo Wirestorp, Vrigstad, Jönköping County, Småland Province, Sweden, Scandinavia909
MemoLine 3: Emma Sofia, born October 10, 1870 in the same place as her mother (Hylletofta).
Census1885, Långserum Norregård, Svenarum, Jönköping County, Småland Province, Sweden, Scandinavia908
MemoLine 7: Emma Sofia, born October 10, 1870 in Hylletofta.
Census1887, Långserum Norregård, Svenarum, Jönköping County, Småland Province, Sweden, Scandinavia1032
MemoLine 3: Emma Sofia, born October 10, 1870 in Hylletofta. Emigrated to N. America on April 22, 1887.
Census1910, Ward 7, Muskegon, Muskegon County, MI, USA3474
MemoLine 82: Emma S Carlson, age 39, born in Sweden as were both parents. Immigrated in 1887. Married for 8 years with one child, still living.
Census1920, Muskegon, Muskegon County, MI, USA3475
MemoLine 2: Emma Carlson, age 49, born in Sweden. Widowed.
Census1930, Muskegon, Muskegon County, MI, USA3476
MemoLine 20: Clarissa S Carlson, age 59, born in Sweden. Immigrated in 1897.
Emigration22 Apr 18871032
FlagsDeceased, Immigrant