Webb Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameGeorge Zarecor
Census1850, District 10, Sumner County, TN, USA2552,2553
MemoLine 2 (Family number 92): Geo. Zaricor, age 50, born in Tennessee.
Census1860, District 11, Sumner County, TN, USA2554
MemoLine 20 (Household 1102): George Zarecor, age 60 male farmer born in Tennessee
Census1880, District 08, Sumner County, TN, USA306
MemoLine 28: George Zarecor, age 80, born in Tennessee. Father born in Pennsylvania, mother in North Carolina.
Birth5 Aug 1794, NY, USA2552
BurialZarecor Cemetery 2 miles south of Cottontown on Station Camp Road, then 2 miles NW on Pee Dee Road, Sumner County, TN, USA1282
Marr MemoBond signed by John Armfield
Notes for George Zarecor
Listed on pages 110-113 and page 117 of “Sumner County Inventories and Settlements, September, 1887 - November, 1909”
91It is believed that a son George was also in this family and never married. Josephus is believed to be son of George. He was not listed among children of John according to a letter in the family and George was the only eligible family at the time in Sumner County.
2534 A G. Zericor is listed as owning land in Sumner County in 1878.