Webb Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameMary O Armfield
Birth5 Aug 1794, NY, USA2552
BurialZarecor Cemetery 2 miles south of Cottontown on Station Camp Road, then 2 miles NW on Pee Dee Road, Sumner County, TN, USA1282
Census1850, District 10, Sumner County, TN, USA2552,2553
MemoLine 3: Mary Zaricor, age 58.
Census1860, District 11, Sumner County, TN, USA2554
MemoLine 21: Mary Zarecor, age 66 female
Census1880, District 08, Sumner County, TN, USA306
MemoLine 29: Mary Zarecor, age 86, born in North Carolina as were both parents. Listed with an illness of, “Hip dislocated”
Marr MemoBond signed by John Armfield
Notes for Mary O Armfield
Buried on Armfield farm west of Gattica
2552 along with George. A Baptist preacher lived on the site in 1994.