NameHazel Ione Moore
Birth15 Nov 1925, Paris, Lamar County, TX, USA8,3191,9
Death17 Feb 1981, San Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo County, CA, USA3191,3192,9
BurialCayucos-Morrow Bay District Cemetery, Cayucos, San Luis Obispo County, CA, USA3191
Birth24 Sep 1920, West New York, Hudson County, NJ, USA3190,9
Death3 Oct 1993, San Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo County, CA, USA3190,9
BurialCayucos-Morrow Bay District Cemetery, Cayucos, San Luis Obispo County, CA, USA3190
Marriage25 Nov 1943, Joplin, Jasper County, MO, USA
Notes for Hazel Ione Moore
Hazel was out-going and liked to "piddle" in her garden. She was 5 ft 2in and 180 lbs.
During WWII while living in California, Hazel worked for Douglas on theassembly line. At that time she lived with Uncle Frank and Aunt RitaAbruscato in Westchester. Later she studied to be a beautician and didthat for about three years. Although I don't know if she had it all herlife, I do know that she had an ability to dream things (usually bad)concerning her kids that turned out to be true. Things like a songetting beat up, and where another son hid his marijuana. Because of whathas happened, I believe that this ability is hereditary, although thisendowment is considered a "gift", I am not sure if Hazel would haveagreed since most of the time it caused her sorrow.
When Hazel was 14 years (1939), the country was just coming out of theGreat Depression. For her birthday she was given a silver dollar.Instead of spending the dollar she saved it as a memento. Years latershe gave it to me when I was feeling low.
Since her parents did not like her doing it, she would sneak out of thehouse, go down to the river and help a local gambler count his money.According to her, the man was a good gambler but could not count muchbeyond 10.
Hazel was raised in the Church of Christ, converted to Catholicism aftermarrying J.G. Abruscato. In her final years she became active in theChurch of Christ.
Down the street from my Grandparent's house in Paris (Arthur City) was anold couple named Andrew and Pearl "Pearly" Fulton. He had a sistercalled "Aunt Sally" by my mother and her brothers and sisters. MrFulton was born the son of former slaves. He rose to be a collegeprofessor. During the bad years this couple helped out my Grandparentsand helped with food for the children. Years later when we went for avisit I saw Mrs. Fulton. The amazing thing to a twelve year old boy wasthat she knew me for who I was. When my mother saw her, she ran out ofthe house and hugged and hugged that old woman. In later years Mr.Fulton was blind. As a child, my Aunt Juanita would ask for his help onher school papers. She remembers the couple fondly.