NameAlma Maria Larson
Birth2 Jul 1895, Oberlin, Decatur County, KS, USA10,940,941
MemoTombstone lists July 12
Death21 Mar 1994, Carmichael, Sacramento County, CA, USA10,942,9
MemoLeeta Hemme recalled March 20 rather than the March 21 on the tombstone
BurialPlainsburg Cemetery, 8943 E Gillette Rd, Le Grand, Merced County, CA, USA943
Census1900, Logan, Decatur County, KS, USA897
MemoLine 18: Alma M Larson, daughter. Age 4 born January 1896 in Kansas.
Census1910, Escondido, San Diego County, CA, USA22
MemoLine 37: Alma Larson, daughter. Age 14 born in Kansas.
Census1920, Township 2, Madera County, CA, USA944
MemoLine 60: Alma Hemme, age 24, born in Kansas. Both parents born in Sweden.
Census1930, Dairyland, Madera County, CA, USA945
MemoLine 39: Alma M Hemme, age 34, born in Kansas. Both parents born in Sweden. Married at age 19.
Census1940, Madera County, CA, USA946
MemoLine 33: Alma Hemmie, age 44, born in Kansas.
EducationHigh School
ReligionSeventh-day Adventist
Eye colorHazel
Hair colorWhite in older years
Height5' 1"